Friday, October 31, 2008

8.21.08 short something

Seems to be little dining story to me:)


Yesterday I led my first solo zodiak session out to Airport Lefts, with Lars as my first mate. Although we had some minor difficulties mounting the outboard motor, prompting one guest to ask, "have you ever done this before?" we made it out no problem and anchored successfully on our second try.

Get the best seafood...go Jimbaran bay

Mr B showing off his baby

Afterwards, I tried to find Warung Nikmat driving, but got lost and parked in downtown Kuta Square, with the zodiak strapped to the roof.

I led the wandering group, asking directions from street vendors until I found the secret alley passageway to my favorite local restaurant. That afternoon I had only one guest and took him to Anatara rivermouth, which was too big and fast for him, but gave me some really fun rides out of the riptide.


I took a two-hour post-session nap; yoga was cancelled, so Bartek and I decided to take everyone out to sushi. The previous evening, we all dined on the beach at Jimbaran Bay, Warung Nyoman - fresh fish, squid, prawns, and lobster . . . best of all, guides ate for free for bringing so many guests.

Get yourself a lobster loca!

Guess who's the boss?
Ollie, Joko, Don Trey

Bartowski y Lara

This night however was a national holiday, even the vast majority of "taksi" drivers weren't working, leaving the streets relatively empty, so we shouldn't have been suprised when the first two sushi restaurants we went to were both closed.


Luckily, the second was right off of Poppies Lane, just down the street from Balcony, Rizal's restaurant.

Food was overpriced, service slow, they cooked the shit out of my "very rare" tuna medallion, but they did have cheap and strong house margaritas and the guests were enamored with all of the surf memorabilia, especially the wall-of-fame, full of signed photos of various pro surfers enjoying themselves in the restaurant.

Get yourself both cheap and good surfboard
poppies lane uno n duo

Because the meal took so long I missed my Skype dates with my mom and Paul Scarborough.

The last e-mail I got from P.S. let me know that some of our mutual good friends are now with child.

As it's a surf restaurant...celebrities were on the wall

I'm glad that they have gotten to see so much of the world this last year as dedicated travelers before beginning their family. I'm also very happy for them; I'm also very glad it's them and not me . . .

Monday, September 29, 2008

Threads from Trey's Journal: Another round, Part II

On the way
Back left: Simon the boss, Bartek the man, Ollie the dud
Front left: Roland the king, Trey the jungle

We got back that afternoon and had just enough time for a movie and small nap before packing and jumping back in the Kijang with the rest of the guides to go camp at Balian for the night.

Happy ice-conny-cream
Cicrle K stopover aka get yourself either icecream or Bintang

Although the surf had been shit there today, Saturday was the full moon, so we were holding out hope for a freak swell jump. We loaded up on Bintangs and munchies at the Circle K and then hit the road.

trryfying ice-joko-cream

On the way, we passed a stray 2x4 in the middle of the road, which isn't too out of the ordinary, "hati-hati" are the words to literally live by when driving in Bali, but the locals on the motorbike behind us didn't see it in time and got pancaked on the pavement when they hit it.

Our beach-campground

We went back to make sure they were alright, which they seemed to be, more or less, though badly rattled.


When we got to the beach, we set up our tents and lanterns, and Lars proceeded to roll joint after joint while Joko played guitar and the two of us sang louldly into the cloudy night sky, which would occassionally offer a bright, shining glimpse of the hidden moon.

Don Ollie

Once we decided to call it a night, Joko and Connie had a tent to themselves, and I had a huge four-man tent to myself.

Mesy-haircut Larsie

During the course of the night however, two separate showers passed through, and I was soon joined by Vialett and Lars, while the others did their best to stay dry by burying themselves as deep as possible into their boardbags.

Scary-eye Bartie

I woke at first light and the surf was far from motivating, so I went back to bed.

Joko Johnson

When I woke again, an hour or so later, the empty line-up was now clogged with thirty Japanese, with more stretching on the beach - back to bed.

I only left the comfort of my sleeping bag when forced by my bladder, but once up, I suited up and paddled out.

Say Aloha to all the Japs

It was lumpy and mushy, occassional head-high peak drops with soft shoulders; despite this, I managed a few good ones and even got a few shots with Joko behind the lens.

Bartek on the way for his banana pancake

Trey on the way for his omlette deluxe

We had a stellar breakfast at the same restaurant, and then made the journey home to prepare for the Green Room disco party that evening.

Banana pancake, high-fat.

Omlette Deluxe, higher-fat

Double omlette

On our drive back, as we were innocently cruising along, the other guide car whizzed by us and Connie doused Roland with a jug of water through his open window.

That's a shot from the series "only in indo"

We tried to get revenge three times only to be thwarted by locked doors and closed windows or the traffic itself. Every time we failed, the other car's crew laughed harder and harder at our efforts.

chomp on this

Jose in Rio

Let's go home

Only Kebab place on the island, just 1.20$

Hello, I'm in Indo